It's been a long time in the making.and honestly it has been 90% complete for quite some time. I jus couldnt get motivated to sew on the last little bit of binding. But I finally sucked it up and got it done.
I used the free pattern Folk Dance from Anna Maria Horner. You can find this pattern on her website.
All of the fabrics used are thrifted. With the exception of two that were cut from dresses I already owned. Most of these fabrics were shirts but a couple were skirts, pillow cases, and curtains. The binding was cut from a thrifted shirt and the backing is a thrifted sheet. For the quilting I simply stitched in the ditch which created a nice zigzag pattern on the back. This was also my first experience machine quilting. I borrowed my mom's walking foot which I don't think she has used once since buying it. (She would much rather quilt by hand.)
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