I know that I am terrible about updating here. There has been a lot of sewing happening lately. Up until the end of last week it all has been clothes. But then I just seemed to lose my motivation. Everytime I would lay out my fabric and start getting ready to cut out a pattern I just couldn't do it. So I am taking a little break and shifting my attention to quilts. I have been frequenting the goodwill clearance center on Sunday when everything is half off and have built up quite a collection of cotton prints. Several of them are becoming a quilt right now and I can't wait to work on it some more.
As for the clothes I had been sewing here are some pictures of a few of the completed pieces.
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love the first shirt! Are those bows or just simple pinching of the fabric?
Hey, sorry for the delayed response. Thank you. It's an extension of the collar and it's pulled throw a loop of fabric to create the bow like look.